Florida Man Arrested For Driving Around Naked With Electrical Wires In His Cock

Police say a South Florida man was caught naked driving slowly through a neighborhood with children with electrical wires protruding from his penis.

News outlets report 56-year-old Kurt Jenkins faces lewd and lascivious exhibition, exposure of sexual organs and resisting a law enforcement officer without violence charges.

A Boynton Beach police report shows a witness Monday said the naked man, identified as Jenkins, drove by him, gesturing for him to look toward Jenkins’ groin area.
That’s when the witness saw an electronic device with wires attached to Jenkins’ penis.

If you’re gonna go through the effort of putting electrical wires all through and around your dick, you are absolutely going to show people.

To me, filling your dick with wires and showing it to people is like when you are younger and you want your parents to watch you do some sweet ass cannonballs. No one is going through the motions of doing some jackknives or back busters for themselves. You’re doing it for the show. The shock of the splash is exciting. That’s what this dude was doing with his dick. He was making a splash by shoving wires through his penis. Makes sense to me.

Im not anti-wires in your cock, but you gotta do it in the privacy of your own home. It’s your penis; do whatever you want to with it, unless that involves having it out and about around children or the general public.

When you’re driving and see a penis filled with electrical wires

Not sure what happened to his face but I’m sure it was justified.

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